

Elections 2024

Donald J. Trump, for President of the United States

The American Ideals PAC endorses former President Trump. He did, and will, govern with policies that benefit Americans regardless of their political orientation, or their race, color, religion, sex, age, or ethnic heritage. It is time to end the catastrophe of the Biden administration.


Brian Maryott, for California’s 49th Congressional District

“We expect that Brian Maryott, a businessman and nonprofit executive, will lead by supporting sane policies; prioritizing issues like crime, homelessness, and inflation; and opposing legislation that sows racial division and condemns America as systemically racist,” said Manny Klausner, distinguished member of the American Ideals PAC’s advisory committee.

Michelle Steel, for California’s 45th Congressional District

“We are very pleased to endorse Representative Steel,” said Betty Chu, former mayor of Monterey Park, California, and a distinguished advisory committee member of the American Ideals PAC. “We have long admired her advocacy for equal rights and are proud of her unwavering opposition to the sordid practice of racial preferences, which disproportionately discriminate against Americans of Asian descent.” (Note: Rep. Steel won reelection in November 2022).